The Mystery of Irma Vep
Lakeshore Players Theatre - White Bear Lake, MN, USA - Oct. 2017
The Mystery of Irma Vep
Lakeshore Players Theatre - White Bear Lake, MN, USA - Oct. 2017
The Mystery of Irma Vep
Lakeshore Players Theatre - White Bear Lake, MN, USA - Oct. 2017
These aren't quite finished projects, but highlight some of the prototypes I've built when playing around creatively with technology.

2024- VR Haptic Feedback Device
Final project for COMP 6371 - Immersive Technologies at Concordia University. Motivated by the work of Malvezzi et al. this prototype for a haptic feedback device leverages an existing Unreal Engine plugin to communicate triggered events in VR over serial coms to an Arduino microprocessor driving three servos joined by a common end-effector plate to apply force variably to different surfaces of the user's finger. The end-effector plate additionally uses capacitive contacts to calibrate for individual user finger size.
Device design and construction by Chip Limeburner. Project developed in conjunction with Aahish Nagesh Herur and Raquib Tajmohamed.
Top left: The prototype carrying out its calibration routine to detect finger profile.
Bottom left: The prototype in active use, responding to keyboard events passed from Unreal Engine.
2023 - Heliotope
Created for SCEN 498 - Celestial Performance Design at Concordia University, this project seeks to explore possibilities for interactive outdoor environments. Employing directional light sensors, Heliotope consists of artificial flowers that follow the sun over the course of a day, yet are sensitive to transient shadows cast upon them. The resulting artifact presents an experience at the boundary between solar and human time scales.

2023 - Procedural 3D
Created for DFTT 341 - Elements of Multimedia for Live Performance at Concordia University. Operating in TouchDesigner, a dynamic noise texture is overlayed with close-up video of the skin and anaglyphs are generated based on pixel luminance as an exploration of haptic visuality that stimulates our sense of touch through both visible texture and depth cues.
2023 - Projected Manuscript
This project, built for DFTT 341 - Elements of Multimedia for Live Performance at Concordia University, was an exploration of projection mapping technology, imagining dynamic ways for displaying movable manuscripts with the aid of animation projected onto a blank book prop. Such a concept offers potential avenues for more dynamic displays in museum contexts.

2021 - Æffect
Built for CART 360 - Tangible Media at Concordia University, this was a prototype for a wearable garment that responds to emotional stimuli as extrapolated from respiratory and pulse biometrics. Electronics by Chip Limeburner, Dress by Sarah Hontoy-Major.
2021-2023 - New Normal
First prototyped as a final project for CART 212 - Digital Media Studio I, then later built more fully for DFTT 341 - Elements of Multimedia for Live Performance, both at Concordia University, this project was a proof of concept for using capacitive proximity circuits attached to existing environmental objects as input for a projection mapped experience promoting mindfulness of how often we touch our surroundings.
Top right: Original prototype created for CART 212 - Digital Media Studio I
Bottom right: Fuller proof of concept created for DFTT 341 - Elements of Multimedia for Live Performance

2020 - Stakeout​
Built for CART 263 - Creative Computation II, this prototype was exploring naturally mapped game controllers, specifically one simulating the use of a camera within a Clue-esque narrative game. Not only does the prototype require a winding and clicking motion like a camera, but it also zooms-in when held up to the face as though looking through a view-finder.